Journal of Economic Development
No. 202 , June 2011, Page 52-61

Consumers' Willingness To Pay For Plastic Recycling In Vietnam: The Case Of Hochiminh City
Nguyen Huu Dung & Nguyen Thanh Trang

Plastic recycling can help improving the environment quality by reducing waste discharge as well as keeping the surrounding clean. This study examines the perception of individual solid-waste generators about plastic recycling and their willingness to pay (WTP) an extra fee in addition to monthly waste collection charges at their current resident places. A survey-based, contingent valuation, approach with an anchored payment card technique was used to interview 487 individuals in Hochiminh city. The findings show that the mean expected WTP is VND43,200 per year from ordered probit model. Marital status, education level, employment and income are significant socioeconomic determinants of consumers' WTP. Other important behavioral factors are concerns towards the current ambient environment quality and the threats to human health caused by plastic wastes and the benefit of plastic wastes recycling.

Willingness To Pay; Plastic Waste Recycling; Contingent Valuation Method.
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