Journal of Economic Development
No. 192 , August 2010, Page 16-19

Development of Human Resource for Information Technology in Vietnam: Situation and Solutions

"In the last decades of the twentieth century, the scientific – technological revolution took place and one of its most outstanding features is the revolution in information technology. Along with other high technologies, the IT is changing drastically the economic, cultural and social life of the world. The industrial economy changes into a knowledge-based one. To develop the IT in Vietnam becomes an inevitable way of building an information society thereby contributing to a fast and sustainable development and opening a short cut to industrialization and modernization. This approach requires participation of all social classes and help from foreign partners as well, that is, both external and internal forces, in the development of IT human resource. This problem has become urgent and aroused a lot of interest in recent years. By employing various methods, such as system approach, comparison, analysis and synthesis, and logical and historical approaches, the paper tries to present size, quality, structure, training and employment of the IT human resource in Vietnam today, thereby suggesting measures to develop this army in future. "

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