Journal of Economic Development
No. 182 , October 2009, Page 05-08

An Analysis Of Demand For Rural Market Information In The Mekong Delta

This paper aims to give a better understanding of demand for information of production and market in rural areas of the Mekong Delta. The results from the survey of three selected provinces reveal that most rural people have needs for information in terms of input and output markets such as variety, fertilizer, pesticide, farming techniques and so on. However, their need for information was not satisfied fully regarding accuracy of information, and frequency of information supply. Besides, the survey indicated that most rural people have mainly gathered information they need from TV and radio programs on agricultural extension; while searching for information from the Internet was too difficult in most rural areas currently due to high cost of connection, weak network, and low educational standard, etc. In sum, the information about production and market not only contributes to farming efficiency by farmers, but also partly upgrades an awareness of farmers of the process of applying modern technologies

information, rural people, Mekong Delta.
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