Journal of Economic Development
No. 188 , April 2010, Page 24-30

Prototype Testing For New Wedding Invitation Card Collection

"Problem: How does e-mail survey with choice-based conjoint questionnaires help Sea Dragon Company make decision in developing the right prototypes of handmade wedding invitation cards? Purpose: This study applies a market study technique (e-mail survey) and choice-based conjoint analysis to evaluate the potential of nine product prototypes of handmade wedding invitation cards for Sea Dragon Company, a Vietnamese concerns of small size. The result will provide the company with an understanding of customer preferences and help them decide in consideration of the preferred set of attributes on the potential combination of the prototypes and price to become new products. Method: This research will be focused on the information gathered from the firsthand data by quantitative e-mail survey with choice-based conjoint questionnaire. Conclusion and Recommendation: Eight out of nine prototypes can be selected as new products while the remained one is recommended to be omitted according to respondents' preference. Customer preference in terms of design, brand and price are recommended to be the guideline for further prototype development. Mall intercept interview is recommended to be implemented after a full collection of wedding card is developed based on the result of this survey. Choice-based conjoint analysis is recommended as a strong tool for market researchers' prototype testing of new products "

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