Journal of Economic Development
No. 221 , July 2014, Page 144-160

A Study of Destination Brand Personality for Đà Nẵng Tourism
Phạm Thị Lan Hương & Nguyễn Minh Huy

DOI: 10.24311/jabes/2014.221.03
Destination brand personality is a rather new approach taken by many academic and empirical researches. Destination brand personality became an important structure to understand a tourist’s choice process, and a way of differentiating destinations and enhancing their competitiveness. The research focuses on analyses of destination brand personalities of Đà Nẵng based on domestic tourists’ perception in order to identify dimensions and strengths of personalities associated with Đà Nẵng as a destination. The results show that destination brand personality can be identified through three dimensions: sincerity, excitement, and competence-charming, which consist of thirteen items. Among them, sincerity and excitement are two principal factors of destination personality, compliant with findings by most previous researches. The new factor for destination of Đà Nẵng is competence-charming.

Brand Personality; Place Brand; Destination Brand; Destination Brand Personality; Dimensions Of Destination Brand Personality; Đà Nẵng.
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