Journal of Economic Development
Vol. 24(3) , July 2017, Page 116-136

Travel demand for metro in Ho Chi Minh City: A discrete choice experiment analysis
Nguyen Thanh Son & Nguyen Duy Chinh

DOI: 10.24311/jabes/2017.24.3.05
By employing discrete choice experiment with face-to-face survey data of 135 local inhabitants in Ho Chi Minh City, this paper analyzes preference for the urban metro network transportation. The result reveals that seat availability, time, and cost reduction of the trip with metro robustly incite users to utilize this transportation service. Passengers of metro are willing to pay 0.606 and 4.106 thousand VND for one minute reduction of travel time and seat availability on the train cart, respectively. Furthermore, monetary welfare gained for a switch to metro is 64.3 thousand VND for each individual. Some implications regarding ticket prices and policy are also discussed.

Discrete Choice Experiment; Urban Transportation Mode; Metro Travel Demand; Ho Chi Minh City.
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