Journal of Economic Development
No. 213 , July 2012, Page 72-83

Determinants of CEO Turnover in Transition Economies: Vietnam as an Ideal Case

\"The lessons drawn from successful companies during 100 years past show that the management improvement, not the technology one or any others, has brought the outstanding development. According to the studies in transition countries, CEO turnover are more likely under influences of firm performance, ownership structure and board of management. In this article we have review the literature on CEO turnover from prior studies in both developed countries and transition countries. Those studies provide useful concepts in understanding the determinants of CEO turnover in Vietnam. They have contributed into the development of and improvement in the management in the current Vietnam joint stock companies and ensured the stable\ndevelopment of those businesses and the common development of economy in the context of equitization of state enterprises.\"

Chief Executive Officers (CEO); Turnover; Corporate Governance; Transition Economies.
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